Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Day Sixty Nine

Shadowing got cancelled this morning, so I got to sleep in some more, which was so very welcome. Hopefully third time is the charm and shadowing will work out tomorrow afternoon. Hope springs eternal.

I got to campus just in time for my TA meeting at 11am, then afterwards graded for an hour and a half before going to class. We got our exams back, and I did just as horribly as I thought. Very encouraging. I just need to remember that one exam is not going to kill me...and to get my brain in gear and not screw up the rest of them! I did manage to get all of my grading done today, so the next two days can be devoted solely to studying for my Phys Org exam this Saturday.

I took a new route to the highway today without realizing that it would put me right in front of the capitol building. That was pretty cool. It was also very empty due to the shutdown, which was weird to see.

I got a care package from my parents today! It was fun to get something exciting in the mail, thanks Mom and Dad. I've already put the Starbucks gift card to good use buying some chocolate covered graham crackers (which the barista had to go to the back to find again). This happened right after eating Whataburger for dinner with my roommates. I was the epitome of health this evening.

I need to get some sleep. Early office hour tomorrow. Why did I say it was a good idea to hold my own office hour at 9am? I clearly was not anticipating morning traffic. Lesson learned.

1 comment:

  1. Nice to see a picture with your blog entry! (this is my first comment on a blog...very exciting :) )
