Monday, October 7, 2013

Day Sixty Seven

Another day of lab, another piece of broken glassware. It's incredible how adept these students are at breaking things. Lab went well though, only one of the instruments malfunctioned and no one was gravely injured, so I call the day a success.

Today wasn't very exciting. I got to campus early to go to my professor's office hour, but he ended up being busy, so that was a bust. Then I ate a very leisurely lunch due to my unexpected hour of free time and talked with a fellow first year doctoral student. We tentatively planned a movie night for a couple weekends away, but it'll all depend on how busy we end up being. And if I'm learning anything about graduate school, it's that it is very busy all the time.

I got to class and whipped out my trail mix that I had made this morning. I remembered from Drivers Ed (oh so long ago...) that if you're tired you should eat something crunchy. So this morning I made myself trail mix of entirely crunchy things in anticipation of being sleepy in my class. Sure enough, it paid off. I even remembered what we talked about today after I left class. Progress!

Tomorrow I'll shadow a 5th year student during his research, as the project he's beginning to work on may potentially be a project I take over if I join this particular group. I'm pretty excited about it! Then Thursday I meet with another professor about her research group. I'm hoping to find a permanent research home soon...all these meetings are getting exhausting! Wish me luck.

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