Friday, October 18, 2013

Day Seventy Eight

Guess what?! Jeff comes to Texas tomorrow!!! The government shut down ended just in time for his San Antonio rotation to get approved, so I get to see my big brother! I am so excited for this, it's exactly what I needed after this week of non-stop deluge of bad things. We're going to compare rental cars, and I don't want to sound overly confident, but I'm not sure he can beat my little red muscle car (that gets horrible gas mileage, by the way).

I'm still not in a research group. I'm hoping next week will finally see it happen, but I've gotten to the point where I just don't get my hopes up anymore. It's exhausting and frustrating and makes me wonder why I ever thought going to graduate school was a good idea.

I also spent some quality time on the phone with USAA insurance claim people today, including both my claims adjuster and car inspector. Thankfully those calls all went smoothly. My car repair and rental car are both covered by insurance - whew! My claims adjuster was a super nice lady who also happened to be very chatty. I'm not sure how we transitioned from my flooded car to talking about college football and how her daughter is in a Masters program, but it happened, and it was a nice distraction for me from the rest of life. And it made me feel good when I told her I was in a PhD program for analytical chemistry and her response was, "My goodness, you go girl!" Claims adjuster, I think we just became friends.

Lastly, thank you mom and dad for taking my downtrodden phone calls and texts through out the day. Lets all pray these end soon as things begin to get resolved. Time to get some sleep, because this girl still has to go to a 9am class tomorrow. Yuck.

It's still weird to see my name listed as "TA." I don't hate it though...

View from 5th floor NHB. So beautiful.

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