Thursday, October 10, 2013

Day Seventy

I have a huge exam this Saturday. And, in the words of my professor, "nothing in your life in the next 48 hours is as important as studying for this exam." He then proceeded to tell us how he showed the exam to his research group members, who didn't think it was hard naturally he decided to rewrite part of it to increase the difficulty. You know things will get rough when even the professor admits his exams are "gnarly." And yes, it is weird to see/hear a 5'3 chemist in his 60s say 'gnarly.'

I shadowed a 5th year researcher today (finally). It was fun to finally get involved in research of some kind, and the guy doing the research was really nice and informative about everything he was working on. Part of it was in a laser lab, where my safety advice was "don't bend down, or the laser may cause you to go blind." Needless to say, I stayed upright and kept my hands in my pockets to prevent myself from touching anything. I'm happy to report that I can still see. Yeah!

This is all for tonight. Traffic + office hour + grading + studying + class + professor meeting + research shadowing + more traffic + more studying makes for a tiring day.

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