Thursday, October 3, 2013

Day Sixty Three

I'm watching the Texas vs. Iowa State game. There's 1:08 left in the game, and we're down by 6 points.  Oh my gosh. I want UT to win, but I also just want the game to end so I can go to bed since I have an early morning tomorrow. Oh the dilemma. And now it looks like Texas may have fumbled on the 1 yard line. STOP THE MADNESS!

Today was another busy day. Chased down the shuttle at 8:45am this morning to make it to my 9am office hour on time. After the office hour was over, I finished grading lab reports (aka crushing student's dreams) then ate lunch. It was breezy outside at lunch time, so it was actually surprisingly pleasant to eat at a shady picnic table. Then...class time! Our professor decided to list all of the things we've gone over so far to put the fear of God in us for our exam in a week and a half. It worked. Especially when he said, "there will be a couple questions covering material we haven't gone over in class, but I just expect you to know." Um, what? Not cool.

I usually would have headed home after this, but instead I got to go through two hours of instrument training for future labs I'm TAing. It was actually kind of interesting though, so it wasn't too bad (minus the fact that there's minimal air conditioning in the instrument room). I got to light flames and analyze hot sauce and generally just play around with very expensive chemical instruments. Pretty awesome. Unfortunately, this training caused me to hit afternoon rush hour, so I picked up Chick-fil-A waffle fries to help me through it. It was a very good decision. Then, I chased down the shuttle once more. How do I always time it so perfectly to where I'm always frantically waving down the shuttle? Every. Single. Time.

Texas WINS 31-30! It was just the ugliest win in the world, but it's still a win, so I'll take it. Thank you to the Avants once again for a delicious dinner and having me over to watch the game on your seriously gigantic TV. It almost felt like I was there.

Tomorrow is Friday. Thank the Lord. Which means game night at the Czimskey's is tomorrow, and I cannot wait. Let's get this week over with!

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