Monday, October 21, 2013

Day Eighty One

The Blueberry and I were reunited today! It was a wonderful moment, only made better by the entire team of service representatives going "Hey! How's your fantasy football team playing this week?!" They were impressed when I told them I was in the lead again this week, so I told them they were all welcome to come to me for advice. I'm not sure there's much that is more enjoyable then being a young-20s female offering sports-crazed men advice on how to win a fantasy football game. I'm happy to report that the Blueberry is back in top condition (thanks Howdy Honda!). I'm also happy that I no longer have to drive that beast of a rental car. I'm finally back in a car that fits in every parking space (and sometimes only takes up half a parking space). As my mom said to me today, I've gotten too used to "driving a car the size of a Hot Wheels."

The one week streak of no broken glassware in lab was ruined today. That was a bummer. Then lab took extra long and I had people arguing report grades. Needless to say, we've had better days in lab.

Tomorrow is hopefully new drivers license day. And class was cancelled. Hallelujah! Now I can have free time homework, read textbooks, and grade papers. Yay?

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