Sunday, October 27, 2013

Day Eighty Seven

I literally did nothing interesting today, so this post will likely be short. I slept, studied electrochemistry, slept some more, went out to dinner, watched an episode of The Mentalist (Simon Baker, I love you), and then went back to studying. I feel as if progress has been made in my understanding of the material though, which feels really good. If only it was more riveting...then maybe I wouldn't fall asleep on top of it so often.

Good news - the Moonsnails won again today! And it was against my brother's team. Jeff, I love you, but the Moonsnails had to take the Dead Cows down. I know, our parents are very proud of our creativity in making team names. Or they're completely confused. Probably the latter.

There was a HUGE storm that came through Austin at 3am last night. It was very loud and lasted quite a while. Luckily, I had no alarm set this morning, so I just put some ear plugs in and basked in the (mostly) blissful silence. Also luckily, I remembered to park the Blueberry in the garage last night. You best believe that car will not flood ever again if I can help it.

It's time to let electrochem lull me to sleep once more. It never fails.

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