Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Day Seventy Six

Well, the Blueberry is at the Honda Dealership waiting in line to get gutted and dried. Poor thing. Subbing in for it as my mode of transportation is a super nice cherry red sedan from a rental agency. Everyone pray that nothing happens to this car while I use it over the next 5 days, or my wallet will take a bigger hit then it already is.

Luckily the service representative team at Howdy Honda (I'm not even kidding, that's the name of the dealership) are some of the funniest individuals ever. I had to wait 45 minutes for the rental agency to come pick me up, and instead of waiting and reading/twiddling my thumbs, I stood with a group of 5 service advisors and talked the entire time. And it was so fun. I even got fist bumped at one point. Thank you Howdy Honda, for putting a silver lining on this otherwise bummer of an afternoon.

Thankfully none of the roads were flooded today and I made it to campus and back just fine. I had my TA meeting, class, and quiz TAing today. I was also supposed to shadow research, but ended up making the trip to Honda instead. Luckily I'll be able to shadow on Friday instead.

Tomorrow I'm going to hopefully take the final step in finding a research group home and formally ask a prof to accept me into his group. I'm nervous about this (if you recall, it didn't work out the last time I tried to do this), so wish me luck.

On a final note, I was in awe of how many people I saw with umbrellas today. All I could think of was how if you carry an umbrella in Washington, you're considered a major wimp. Needless to say, I rocked my rain jacket today, sans umbrella. Gotta stay up with those Washington standards.  :)

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