Saturday, October 19, 2013

Day Seventy Nine

My brother is here! My brother is heeeere! I'm so happy, not even class at 9am could ruin this day. I went to class, came home, should have graded papers but took a nap, then waited for Jeff to get to the house. Then we went to County Line, Barnes and Noble, and came back home to watch the WSU football game. It's not going well for WSU, but I don't care, because my day was awesome. Here are some photos to prove it.

As we were leaving my neighborhood to meet my grandparents, we drove
past a guy on a horse. In the middle of the neighborhood. He flashed us a
Hook 'Em sign. Welcome to Texas, Jeff.

The longhorn at County Line was feeling extra festive for Halloween.

Big brother!

Then we got home and Otter crawled into my lap for
a while. This will not be as pleasant when she's 70 pounds
and huge.

Good day. Exhausting day. Time to get some sleep so tomorrow can be just as fantastic.

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