Saturday, October 26, 2013

Day Eighty Six

Today was mind-numbing. I had class from 9am - 11:30am, then came home and graded papers from noon to 8pm. Basically, my Saturday was the lamest Saturday ever. But all my papers are graded and now I'm watching Breaking Bad with my roommate. It was just a Saturday full of chemistry, even in the tv show I'm watching. I can't escape it! We did watch the movie Signs while I was grading though, I forgot how much I love that movie. Oh so long ago when Mel Gibson and Joaquin Phoenix weren't completely insane. Those were the days.

Tomorrow will be a study day. Exam this coming Wednesday...nooooo! I have three and a half days to get to the point where I completely understand Electrochemistry, Mass Spectrometry, and Atomic Spectroscopy. It'll be intense, but I'm hopeful. Bring it on, advanced analytical class. Bring it on.

I'm sleeping in tomorrow. For the first time in a week. It's going to be blissful. And my dad is coming to Austin next weekend. After this ridiculous, stressful week, things may just be looking up (minus the whole exam part...).

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