Friday, October 11, 2013

Day Seventy One

Tomorrow is EXAM DAY. I'm legitimately frightened, this thing will be 20+ pages long. I decided to take a short break from studying, and my roommate jumped on my study break with a suggestion to watch Breaking Bad. I figured it's chemistry related, so what could it hurt? Probably not the best reasoning, but I welcome anything but studying at this particular moment.

Today was the usual Friday, but with a recitation session added in for Physical Organic (basically a last minute study session for all the frantic grad students). Then I walked outside and it was raining, and I was so happy. I've realized that when it rains in Texas, everyone else starts running while I slow down just so I can enjoy it. The resulting wet shoes weren't great, but it was still worth it. Then I studied at the big covered patio in the middle of Welch Hall, and this was my view. Pretty great, right?

Tomorrow after my exam my roommate and I are headed for a weekend in Houston. Mainly for a wedding, but also so I can visit family. It should be fun, and will be a very welcome break from the madness of graduate school. It's supposed to rain in Austin, which I guess means it will likely rain in Houston as hopefully the wedding is indoors. Or at least adequately covered.

Okay, time to get back to studying. Everyone wish me luck and send me all your chemistry knowledge vibes from 9am-11am tomorrow!

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