Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Day Sixty Eight

Research shadowing got rescheduled to tomorrow morning, so I have nothing exciting on that front to share. Which means not a whole lot of exciting things happened today. I slept in (yay!), went to class, read research grants and articles for 2 hours, and then went to a seminar given by Dr. Shear. 

It was weird to realize that a year ago this month I was looking at the UT Chemistry Department calendar wishing I could go see Dr. Shear talk about his research, and today I was sitting in an auditorium doing just that. Every once in a while I'm reminded of how ridiculously amazing it is that I'm in a doctoral program for chemistry at the University of Texas, which is ranked 5th in the nation for my division (analytical). I'm just in awe of the entire thing. The fact that I live in Austin, go to an amazing (and gigantic) university, and am working towards my doctorate. No matter how busy things get or how hard the homework and exams are, I'm working on remembering that life is still pretty fantastic.

That being said, homesickness is killer. I miss Washington and my parents and my brother. A whole lot. I like Austin, but I don't like being so far away from everyone.

1 comment:

  1. Allie.......we really miss having you around here too. But you ARE in a good spot and I look forward to getting down there again very soon. At least you have had a break from most of my corny jokes! "Walk this way....." :) That one NEVER gets old!
