Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Day Eighty Three

I think there's been movement on the research group front. From the sound of things, I need to shadow a graduate student a couple more times, and then I might finally, finally be an official member of a group (the name of which to be announced when it - hopefully - happens soon). So, the morning started out well with a positive meeting with a potential research advisor. Then my hectic day began. I'm starting to think that my next 5 years of graduate school will just be one big clump of never ending hectic days. Time management, we need to work some things out.

Then I had a TA meeting, which went well and was shorter then usual (woohoo!), read some electrochemistry, went to class, quiz TAed, came home and took a short nap (shhh), went grocery shopping, went to Whataburger, then worked on lab reports the rest of the night. Long, busy day. Tomorrow will be even busier. My goodness. Grad school is exhausting.

I good news, I filled up my car with $2.99/gallon gas. What?! Gas under $3/gallon?! Don't worry, I took a photo as proof.

Also, I saw this yesterday at Best Buy. It merely confirms that in Austin, you can find literally anything you want with a UT twist.

Even Hello Kitty cheers for UT.

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