Friday, October 4, 2013

Day Sixty Four

Yay! It's the weekend! But not really, since I still have class tomorrow morning at 9am. Insert cranky face. I got the voice recorder I ordered in the mail today though, which means if I don't remember anything the professor talks about tomorrow (which is likely, my brain shuts off on Saturdays), I'll have it recorded! Yaaaay! One lecture, twice the amount of fun (or more, depending on how many times I have to listen to it).

Today was a good day. I went to a group meeting for another potential research group this morning. It was a lot of fun, even though they talked about nanoparticles, and I have very little knowledge on anything remotely like that. Then I went a did Physical Organic homework for 2 hours (it's due tomorrow), ate lunch, and went to class. I was so tired that I have no recollection of what we even talked about. Hence, the voice recorder. I didn't nod off (I was close), but I definitely wasn't entirely paying attention. Oops.

Then I walked back towards my shuttle, where I watched it pull away about a minute before I got to the stop. I was bummed, until I looked across the street and saw BEVO! Day = made. I've never gotten to see him up close before, and it was pretty cool. He was super calm, just chilling outside.


Once I finally got on the shuttle, I made my way home, dropped all my stuff off, and headed over to the Czimskey's house for dinner/game night. Austin City Limits started today, so traffic was horrific, but dinner was seriously delicious which made up for it. Thank you, Natalie and Justin! Then we played Pandemic and saved the world together. It was great. But it's exhausting eradicating all the world's diseases, so it's time to sleep.

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