Sunday, October 13, 2013

Day Seventy Three

Wait. The weekend is already over? What? It went by way too fast, but it was so nice getting out of town for a little while. I got to sleep in this morning, chat with my uncle, go to lunch with my aunt and cousins, then go shopping at the Galleria with my roommate before heading home. For lunch we went to Buffalo Grille, which was so delicious. And they serve breakfast all day, which I love and believe all restaurants should take part in. Then it was off to the Galleria through semi-flooded roads. It's been raining almost nonstop since yesterday afternoon, and while I love the rain, there's nowhere for it to go in everything floods. The Galleria was GIGANTIC and overwhelming, but I found some burnt orange jeans on sale, so I consider the trip a victory.

The trip home was in much calmer weather then the drive yesterday, thank goodness. We waited in Houston just long enough for the big storm cell to pass, then we ran for the car. And sang along to some 90s pop as we headed home. Don't worry everyone, I still know all the words to every Nsync song, so I didn't struggle at all in that regard. We also stopped at Buc-ee's, which is basically a super-mega (but very nice) gas station. It had atleast 30 pumps, and the store had every possible snack you could imagine. I got chocolate and peanut butter covered pretzels. It was a very good decision.

When we got home we emptied out the fridge, as our power was out for 7 hours this morning and half the food had spoiled. Awesome. Time for an unexpectedly expensive trip to HEB.  But in good news, I booked my flight home for Christmas (yay!!!), the Seahawks won, and I beat my dad in fantasy football. Not a bad end to the day at all.

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