Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Day Seventy Five

Today was a busy day full of mundane things. I did laundry, vacuumed out the remaining water in my car, went to HEB to buy a car air freshener, went to class, came home, went back to HEB to get groceries, vacuumed my rooms, and went back to school to cover an evening lab for a sick TA. So all in all, I spent some quality time with both UT and HEB. Good times.

It's supposed to rain like crazy tonight and tomorrow, so cross your fingers the roads don't flood and I'm able to get to school. Thankfully the blueberry is safely parked in the garage, so I don't have to worry about it flooding during this particular storm. Whew! Either way, I need to get grading done. Pronto. And find a time to get my Texas drivers license in the next fifteen days. I swear, there is not enough time in a day to get all the things done I need to. But at least I have food to eat again thanks to HEB.

Tomorrow presents another research shadowing opportunity, assuming I get to campus and don't have to leave early to avoid getting stuck in heavy rainfall. Stupid car leak. The Honda dealership better be able to fix you.

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