Sunday, October 6, 2013

Day Sixty Six

Well. I just got home from seeing the most exhausting movie ever. If any of you have seen the new movie Gravity, you'll know what I'm talking about. It was so good, but so stressful. The random guy next to me started crying at one point, then at the end he and I talked about how emotionally drained we both were. And, walking in to the theater, we had another random guy show us that you could see Saturn pretty clearly up in the sky. It was weirdly relevant to the movie we were about to see. Eerie...

With the exception of the movie, today was a pretty relaxing day. I got up, watched the Saints win on TV, watched the Seahawks lose on my computer (noooo!), and watched my fantasy team play horribly for the first time this season. Somehow I'm still in the lead by 10 points, but my opponent still has one player to things aren't looking good. I guess the Seahawks and the Moonsnails couldn't stay undefeated forever. It was fun while it lasted.

Tomorrow is lab day. Cross your fingers no one breaks anything. It'd be a first.

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